12 Oct 2012

EA Frameworks

When you consider using EA, where you start from? There are many things to consider when you develop an enterprise architecture. Scott A. Bernard shows six core elements which are required for complete EA approach:

  • Governance
  • Methodology
  • Framework
  • Artifacts
  • Standards
  • Bestpracticies

Especially, a framework have a important role in terms of providing tools for developing EA, and various frameworks have developed and evolved.

History of EA Frameworks (Wikipedia)
Most common frameworks are following four frameworks:
Each of these framework has its own strength and weakness. So, enterprise architects are required to choose appropreate tools fit for the project. Understanding the characteristics should be useful.

The Zachman Framework is the oldest enterprise architecture framework and still is useful tool. The Zachman Framework is rather a "taxonomy" than a "framework" for organizing architectural artifacts. So, it is useful to identify which artifact should be developed on a certain situation. However, the Zachman Frame work doesn't show any process to develop an enterprise architecture.

TOGAF, on the other hand, shows the process to develop an enterprise architecture. The most important part of TOGAF would be its Architecture Development Method (ADM). Since, Zachman and TOGAF can complement each other, they are often used in combination.

FEA is a more ambitious and complicated framework. It attempt by the federal government to unite a lot of agencies and functions of government under a single common enterprise architecture. FEA inculudes both a taxonomy and a process of an enterprise architecture. FEA is a comprehensive framework, but more complex than others.

Gartner is rather unique approach compared to other frameworks above. "It isn't a taxonomy (like Zachman), a process (like TOGAF), or a complete methodology (like FEA). Instead, it is what I define as a practice." Perhaps, it would be difficult to generalize and to apply Gartner Approch. It seems like an art based on Gartner's knowledge rather than a framework.

A number of other frameworks are exists. However, none of these frameworks is a "correct answer". Every project has different characteristics. So, what is important is selecting, arranging, or even creating a framework for each project.

These frameworks are not just "a fancy staff". The value of  them are significant, and more companies become to have interest in these thihgs.
"Judging by the growing interest in enterprise architecture and the proliferationof frameworks, such as TOGAF, DoDAF, IAF, and EAF, the benefits are real." *1
However, business people actually may not understand these tools, or EA program. "business executives often consider the cost of implementing enterprise architecture as dauntingly high and see the business benefits as elusive and risky. "*1

The value of frameworks may not be admitted by business people. David F. Rico shows a metrics to quantitatively evaluate the value of enterprise architecture program. You can see amazing number of value such as 4418% of ROI. These numbers are attractive for corporate executives. Also, EA frameworks need to show such a quantitative value to attract business people.

*1 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/enterprise-architecture-resistance/enterprise-architecture-resistance-pdf.pdf